www.linkedin.com#opensource #perl | Ferenc Erki | 15 commentsTired: “Perl, aka write-only code”, “Perl is a write-only language”, and similar myths 😫
Wired: I can produce write-only code in any language, not just Perl 😅
However I choose not to 🤷 Because best case I have to read it again, and worst case my employers or customers know where I live 🙃
Over the lifetime of the code I work with, I write the original only once, change it at most a few times, and read it again several times. I find it clear which activities I want to optimize for.
Inspired: Maintaining an inherited, large #opensource #Perl project with 120+ contributors since 12 years, and intend to continue for the next 12 years too 🚀 | 15 comments on LinkedIn