Sunday doodle:
Every time someone launches an Android phone, they fork (copy-paste) the entire code-base for each and every device and Android version. Keeping it up to date is a lot of effort for the vendors, but don't worry - they only do so for a limited amount of time, so that you have to buy a new phone instead!
What if someone instead modified an existing Linux distribution to make it run on smartphones, and made sure that each phone only need one unique package so that the rest can be shared and upstreamed? This could extend the life of countless phones around the world.
And it is exactly what the folks at #PostmarketOS are doing!
@stovis those are cool piecea of art! Would you be interested in contributing them to the artwork repo? I'd see them being quite useful in some presentations :D
@pabloyoyoista Absolutely! I'll upload them as-is:
(I'm not a developer and not used to git, so forgive if I don't know what I'm doing)
@stovis thanks a lot! We are totally used to the workflow of integrating artwork from issues due to many artists not being devs. So it's great you opened the issue, thanks!
@pabloyoyoista This drawing focused on longevity vs e-waste, but I think it would be interesting to highlight other aspects as well. Such as privacy vs surveillance, open innovation vs platform silos, digital souvereignty vs dependancy on big tech, etc. Maybe I'll make a new one next sunday...
@stovis Lovely drawing, thank you!