@stfn most important: add few random quotation marks so their "string", "string" will be fucked up :D
MyPass"""",""";"""";"""",""" is great :D
@wikiyu that is the most evil thing
@stfn now you know who is using .csv on a daily basis...
also: do you know that in windows you can easily set both decimal separator and thousand separator to the same sign so when you put your "very important spreadsheet from excel" in company cloud everybody will struggle with numbers like:
with no idea why the hell they see it like that? :D
and noone will know if it is 123 milion or 123 thousand ...
@wikiyu now i am even more happy that I very rarely use CSV :D
Actually, when I published benchmark results in my blog, I did it in CSV files
when you have a problem with excel
who you gonna call?
i need that poster! ;-)
also: csv is very nice file format for big batches of data
BUT you need to sanitize them, you have to be really careful while working with that and ... check what separators should be used FOR THIS file.
for example i love to use something solid as separator as its really rare to see in any data:
🙼 => char (U+1F67D)
ofc sometimes for use with other people apps i use nonprintable seps, or other "earlier in table" symbols.
I am writing about CSV in 2024... I am a sick person
@wikiyu thank you for the lecture, really interesting! And even in 2024, CSV is as relevant as ever
@stfn also its... lighter then json, xml and most other formats.
its only data + separators + field enclousures (if used)
you can make it fixed lenght per row so its really fast to read on just moving thru char arrays...
no. Lets stop with that rabbit hole.