Another try to SPD's analysis resulted in this unlikely cat
(dates simulated in oxcAAR package for R)
#archaeology #Rstats #Eneolithic
@smiergahttu this gives me conniptions
is it light level data,from a geolocation tag?
@mdsumner sorry to hear that! The points are actually simulated radiocarbon data from range 4500-2600BC (what would raw C14 determinations look like before calibration), and then sum-recalbrated. It supposed to be comparable with summed probability distributions(SPD) from actual C14's from archaeological sites. But due to error somewhere yet to find (maybe idea of summed probability itself), the probab. values are way to low to compare with anything. except for a cat, which it clearly is.
@smiergahttu it looks like (log) light data from dawn to dusk
@mdsumner oh, somehow see that now!