@shawnwildermuth You speak dutch? Or just a few words useful for tourists?
@yeep I tried to lean, but I know a few phrases, but no one in Amsterdam would let me practice. "et lekker", "een bier", etc.
@shawnwildermuth It's a tough language to learn for sure. Most dutch don't even speak (or write) it correctly
I think you mean "eet smakelijk", when you say "et lekker"? Wishing someone a nice meal.
@yeep I used to know that too. I always would say "lekker" to let them know I thought it was delicious. And I remembered the "dooa" - the Amsterdam only greeting. And of course, thank you, you're welcome, and please. When I get back, I love to try and use what I can remember.
@shawnwildermuth "Dooa", I think that's "Doei", pronounced sorta like "Dooey", although I can understand how it might sound different with an Amsterdam accent
@shawnwildermuth And I just rememberd, it's a common complaint for people trying to practice their dutch, that when a dutch person notices you speak much better english, they just switch to english because it makes for easier communication.