blog! “Mosh supports .ssh/config”
I've recently started using Mosh. It's a clever bit of software that keeps your SSH sessions running, even if your client goes offline or changes IP address. But I find the syntax used to launch it a bit verbose and easy to forget. A typical command is something like: mosh --ssh="ssh -p 1234" Within […]
#HowTo #linux #mosh #ssh
@Edent thanks for sharing. I didn't even know Mosh was a thing. I frequently swap between hardwire and wifi at work, and I roam a decent amount. It always annoys me when connections hang. This sounds like the solution I have needed for awhile.
@scooterx3 it was surprisingly easy to set up. The only difficulty was opening ports on my firewall for external access.
@scooterx3 @Edent a related tip I share at any chance I get is that if you want to terminate a hanging SSH connection you can do it with a cheat code: hit Enter, tilde (~), then full-stop (.)