OK. If I'm sticking around, which it looks like I might, then I should pin an #introduction
I'm Ross!
I code with PHP, Javascript, WordPress and Laravel.
I work at Delicious Brains/WP Engine.
I have too many side projects including Turbo Admin, my magical command palette for #WordPress.
I'm a dad of two. I care about sustainability. I ride bikes. And my boss says I "bring lots of questions and energy".
@ross I discovered Turbo Admin via this post, some of the staff writers at my high school newspaper hate going through WordPress menus and I think this will make everything so much better.
I made some CSS tweaks and made it accessible by double-clicking the slash key, and I think that’s all I’ll need to change.
Thanks for the awesome plug-in :)
@qeweyou Ah, that’s so good. Thank you for letting me know! Always good to hear from users.
@qeweyou Do you want to share the CSS tweaks? Anything I should be making use of?
sorry for the bad formatting, i emailed it to myself haha. CSS is general tweaks, JS is double slash code.
@qeweyou Thanks. Will take a look tomorrow.
@ross dude, I LOVE WP Engine! I have two dedicated servers through my day job, and two other freelance projects who pay for their own respective accounts, too. Been on the platform since 2016!! By far the very best WordPress host on the market!
@herchenroder Ah, that’s great to hear. I’m mostly still working with Delicious Brains stuff but under the WP Engine umbrella. It’s an amazing set of products and people!
@ross Glad you're with a good team. I've been on some great teams before, it's awesome to work together and accomplish fun stuff. My current gig is for a small business and we implement and customize SAP Business One ERP software. I do WooCommerce to SAP integration. So I'm in C# and PHP every day. Have probably 30 different WP Admins I sign into all the time. Currently trying out the Turbo Admin Chrome Extension
@herchenroder Ah yes. If you have lots of sites then the extension is a real bonus!
There's some big improvements coming soon. If you dare look on the other site then it''s @turboadmn over there where there's some updates.
And there's some free licenses for the extension lurking on the site too as "easter eggs". So go hunting and you could bag a freebie!
@ross Ok so I am hunting for the Easter eggs but not sure where to test applying license keys. When I click on the snail on the one site I installed the WP plugin nothing happens, and I see this in the console. (Don't see a snail on the 2nd WP Admin after installing the extension, but the keyboard controls do work. Is the snail supposed to show up when using the extension but not having the plugin installed.)
This is all just for fun. Feel no obligation to respond. I know everyone is busy. TY!
@herchenroder Argh. Are you on Firefox? Someone discovered this bug recently. I have a fix in the works. Sorry about that. I think something changed in the way the browser executes asynchronous code that’s made this happen.
If you find a code (they’re hiding on turbo-admin.com) then use it when purchasing the extension from that site. Save the license key and I’ll get a fix out soon.
@ross No worries! I’m on Chrome. Yeah stuff changes. Things work and then they don’t at times. That’s why this is one of my favorite memes. I’ll keep an eye out. Thank You!
@ross Still digging through the site to find a coupon code, but I did see this in the "About Turbo Admin" section of try.html:
"Read the full user guide to fond out how it works."
Should be "to find out".
@herchenroder Who said software is easy? I nearly threw the towel in and became a non-digital cave-dwelling hermit this week.