I asked an #ActivityPub question: “Posts and profiles—how to fix the disconnect between local and remote data?"
@evan Will do! Thanks for the pointer.
moin Dr.,
we also got a book in German but read Evans first ;) https://socialmediafalle.de/
Profiles only show subsets of followers and followees.
- never noticed this (?)
And to see all posts, you have to go to the original server.
- this is a specific mastodon thing
The spec. says clearly that the Client fetches the outbox and how the outbox should respond https://www.w3.org/TR/activitypub/#outbox
What you describe with timestamps is basically what I do (deno kv watch / Preact Signal) …
Unfortunately mastodon got it's own API
About „Posts usually don’t show all replies.“
Sorry, don't get it.
Whenever an inReplyTo lands in the Inbox, it goes to the replies Collection https://www.w3.org/TR/activitystreams-vocabulary/#replies
Recently I saw one joking about the sentences to send replies to replies to the original, whyever.
Do you mean this?
just btw, cause of your TS work, all the things which I described at Berlin FediDay are in TS, are you aware of @fedify ?
@sl007 Thanks!
> Profiles only show subsets of followers and followees
If I visit my profile via mastodon.green, I see 244 followers (vs. 246 on fosstodon.org).
> Posts usually don’t show all replies.
Could indeed also be a Mastodon-only problem—soon to be fixed: https://github.com/NeuromatchAcademy/mastodon/pull/44
Good to hear that these things are not inherent flaws of ActivityPub!
Wasn’t aware of https://fedify.dev, thanks for the pointer!
ah, I see -
„subset“ probably mean that it is the cached version of your Profile and missing the recent ones (?)
This comes down to the question if Profiles / which "Actor pieces" should be cached.
Another issue here is e.g. the caching of Avatars, Amongst well established codes and codizes in Social Media, people might change their Avatar, e.g. react to recent events.
In that case I'd argue that sending constant Update Activities for the Profile is important.
But if we would do that each time if all the people follow Jan Böhmermann it gets pretty expensive.
Maybe doing it for each total/100 followers.
The hundreds get rounded like 2.2k then it matters less (?)
@sl007 Yes!
There are now 2 replies that mirror your thinking: https://socialhub.activitypub.rocks/t/newbie-question-posts-profiles-how-to-fix-the-disconnect-between-local-and-remote-data/4765
Just to complete the book table, O' Reilly books by @rauschma
@sl007 Thanks! Those are replaced by these books now: https://exploringjs.com
@rauschma@fosstodon.org this is something the ForumWG is looking to solve through use of resolvable context collections, namely FEP 7888.
NodeBB already achieves this when communicating between other NodeBB instances. If it encounters a new object, it will look for a context
property, and use that to backfill the entire topic.