If vaccines really did contain computer chips someone would have ported Doom to them by now and posted to Hacker News about it.
Wow, this jokey toot has hit 1000 favourites and >600 boosts. I feel like I should plug my Soundcloud or something (I do not actually have a Soundcloud).
@pwaring although it's more likely the chips contain the virus than the other way round.
@pwaring With no display the only way is to make you dream in Doom.
@penguin42 @pwaring How would I notice the difference, though?
@pwaring mine must have been duff I’m still not able to uplink to the 5G
@LMNOChris @Dragon @pwaring maybe CW your horny posts?
@pwaring embedded doom with 5G multiplayer capabilities, sweet
@pwaring I want to be injected with Doom (1993) and I haven't even played a Doom game
@pwaring You know, I've been waiting for NetBSD to be ported to both my Pfizer and my Moderna chips.
@pwaring instead the UK had Boris & his drones injected (or infected?) Into the country, leaving all wondering what part of the spectrum he was on?
We had it bad with snatcher then her son Tory Tony now Sir WMD! But Doris? Crass act!
No contest with doom games!
Expert witness: Plausible that COVID-nanochips may run demonic Linux.
@pwaring Or NetBSD....
@pwaring never been a better time to start one!
You could add a call for Donations to your favorite charity :)
OR edit the post once a month to display different Ad-Banners and all boosts get notification. Opt-In Advertisement in a way ;)
@pwaring @wackJackle Next killing spree headline in the US: Hackers made me a gunman killing dozens …
@pwaring Show HN: I put Doom on a Pfizer Bivalent 5G using WebAssembly and node.js
@pwaring Counterpoint: has anyone got Doom working on one of those credit card chips?
@pwaring@fosstodon.org Mind control doesn't need chips. Fox News and Musk Twitter are enough.
@pwaring - but the interface & UX still sucks… someone check the microsoft UX archives.
@pwaring Or Quake. Vaccine network for multiplayer Quake.
@pwaring Thats amazing lol
@pwaring every time i hear those arguments my empathy gets bogged down simply in the power requirements... HTFthatwork?
@pwaring I've been running NetBSD on my booster shot.
@pwaring You are already in the game. Isn't it a damn cool graphic?
@pwaring Sheeeotttt, Bethesda would've released Skyrim on it.
@pwaring No need. The vaccinated are already doomed.
@pwaring I love that game I wanna incorporate doom a airsoft version some how
@pwaring No DOOM, no porn? probably not a chip.
@pwaring unfortunately not… doom only runs on anti vaxxers.
@pwaring I love the technical optimism that chips are tiny enough to flow through the inside of a needle. It’s adorable.