SUSE asks openSUSE to consider name change
How about openBABKA?
@jozefch It's a nice insect, of course.
@oleksandr i'm just wondering about the reason behind that request of renaming openSUSE...
insect - babočka?
@jozefch no, this one:
Or maybe it's just after @vbabka, you never know for sure.
@oleksandr @ljs @jozefch @vbabka Or take “al” as Albion.
@ljs @oleksandr @jozefch @vbabka I see. The Empire strikes back!
@ljs @oleksandr @jozefch @vbabka Let me double check: join us, or join the US?
@oleksandr @ljs @jozefch @vbabka звичайно!