I recently started using #navidrome to manage my music, so naturally, I had to write my own #subsonic compatible client. Its using @kde Kirigami2 so will take a little effort to get running on #SailfishOS. https://github.com/piggz/supersonik
@piggz Do you code / prototype for SFOS on your desktop?
@piero The answer is "it depends..." .. and is down to whatever framework/toolkit is used. If its pure Silica, then no, that would be developed on the emulator or a real device. If it uses a toolkit abstraction, like Amazfish or Puremaps, then yes, dev can happen on desktop and then tweaked when on a SailfishOS device. If its a Qt5/KF5/QQC/Kirigami1 then yes, I we have all those libraries built for Sailfish and can develop on desktop and run on device.......
@piero .....but this app is Qt6/Kf6/Kirigami2, so no, I dont (yet) have those libs available on Sailfish, so ATM, this is desktop or some other distro that ships these libs... something with plasma mobile