Do you agree to ChatGPT's answer for 'Why does privacy matter to an individual who has nothing to hide?':
'Privacy matters to everyone, regardless of whether they have something to hide or not. Privacy is an important human right that allows individuals to have control over their personal information and how it is used. It is a fundamental aspect of human dignity and autonomy, and it is essential for the protection of personal freedom and independence. ...
... Having privacy means that individuals can choose what information they share with others and when they share it. It allows them to have control over their own lives and to make decisions about their personal relationships, thoughts, and feelings without fear of surveillance or judgment.
In addition to being a fundamental human right, privacy is also important for practical reasons. It can protect individuals from identity theft, financial fraud, and other forms of abuse or exploitation. ...
... It can also allow individuals to feel secure and confident in their online interactions and to engage in activities, such as seeking medical treatment or expressing political views, without fear of reprisal.
Overall, privacy is an essential aspect of a healthy and functional society and is important to everyone, regardless of whether they have something to hide or not.'