Just added full site search, including partial words (like vi -> videos and via) to my Hugo site using PageFind. Thanks for the tip Mark L!
Works great and is easy-ish to set up.
More on PageFind if you’re interested:
@mkennedy Interesting! Thanks for sharing this, I'll add it to my todo list.
btw, I just schemed through your site, and I have a suggestion (if I may :)). I think some things need better html tags. The `post` heading of the post page, the list of topics in the topics page and the list of posts in the home page.
@arfs6 Hey. All that HTML is based on the Hugo theme I’m using. You’re right that a couple of types of pages have no H-tags which is super weird. I updated it. Thanks for pointing this out.
@mkennedy I know right :) The nav button for the jekyll theme I'm using isn't accessible on mobile. You're welcome :)