I hardly entered the EuroCarlton edition of the Python Office Hours before @webology decided to choose violence.
Yes, my fellow Dutchies, that is a stroopwafel dunked in coffee!
@mahryekuh @webology this is against the Geneva Conventions!
@mahryekuh @eloy I have two left... don't make me...
I'm calling the ICC, RIGHT NOW!
@webology@mastodon.social @mahryekuh@fosstodon.org @eloy@hsnl.social
I showed this to my Indonesian niece. She is crying right now....
@mahryekuh@fosstodon.org @webology@mastodon.social @eloy@hsnl.social
@me @mahryekuh @eloy Tears of joy I'm sure.
But you didn't have to stroop so low....
@webology@mastodon.social @mahryekuh@fosstodon.org @eloy@hsnl.social