Very soon is SUSE Hack Week 22. What should i work on?
First day of SUSE Hack Week. My project will be to finish the Minion job queue port from Perl to TypeScript. I'm cautiously optimistic that a 1.0 release will be achievable this time.
It was quite a bit of work, but minion.js should be feature complete now.
In the screenshot you can see the TypeScript port of the admin ui. Those two workers are performing the exact same tasks, but one does it in Perl and the other in JavaScript.
@kraih missed the voting period but "Finish minion.js port" sounds nice :)
@kraih good work! Looks interesting. I’ll give it a try when the documentation arrives :)
@kraih reading through your code is always worthwhile - TIL that CREATE INDEX USING GIN is a thing in PostgreSQL
@mephinet It's amazing with jsonb and pg_trgm. I love PostrgeSQL!