A new version of K-9 Mail is out!
Version 6.200 adds the big feature you've been waiting for: OAuth 2.0 support for Gmail, Yahoo, AOL and personal Microsoft accounts.
The new version is currently rolling out in stages to our Google Play users. You should expect an available update by the end of the week.
Using @fdroidorg@mastodon.technology? Expect it to arrive there very soon.
Want the K-9 Mail 6.200 APK? Find it on our GitHub: https://github.com/thundernest/k-9/releases/tag/6.200
TIP: If you're a Gmail user, we have a guide explaining how to get your account working again in K-9 Mail: https://forum.k9mail.app/t/how-do-i-update-an-existing-gmail-account-to-use-oauth-2-0/5026
K-9 Mail 6.200 also adds an easy “Unsubscribe” action that is displayed in the menu when viewing a message that contains an Unsubscribe header. And you can enjoy various bug fixes and some updated translations.
Thanks for your patience, your donations, and your support!
That's awesome! Love it!
@k9mail @fdroidorg oh yes i've really just been on the edge of my seat to be able to log into fedmail.
i would think the intersection of gmail users and k-9 users is small. the gmail app is probably better for gmail users, no?
@k9mail @fdroidorg
I assume it depends if you want it to display your mail or sort it into 5 categories first.
@k9mail @fdroidorg Let me read out how that *almost* sounds to me : "YAY! New version finally supports Google, Microsoft, Exxon Mobile, Monsanto, Google and Microsoft. Go to Google or to Microsoft to get it. Get it faster by directly going to Microsoft!
Oh,… F-Droid,… well,… 'soonish' I guess?"
@k9mail @fdroidorg you know which feature I'd love to see in K9 mail? To be able to save a contact locally in the app, and not on the device's contacts, so that it's not visible to other apps
@lascapi You bet, thanks for using K-9!
@k9mail @fdroidorg Thank you very much. Great work!