Wow, potential Streisand effect for this company, how much thought did they put into this? #cycling #closepass
@jimh I watch videos like this fully expecting that the person on the bike who gets dangerously passed will end up passing the driver like 30 seconds later. I'm rarely disappointed.
@Andres4NY there's invariably traffic where the cyclist easily passes or a set of traffic lights where a heated argument may erupt. It's surprising how few drivers are aware of the inevitable
@jimh @Andres4NY Is it that much surprising? A lot of people stop thinking logically when driving.
@baoigheallain @Nicovel0 seems like a few people have already, have to wonder why they thought the "copyright infringement" approach was sensible. Most companies have "Am I driving well? Phone us to give feedback" on the back of their vans, this seems like a rather different approach!
@baoigheallain @jimh @Nicovel0 don't whatever you do repost this video:
Apparently they don't like it
@baoigheallain @jimh @Nicovel0 They back on to a watercourse, let's hope they don't get flooded or anything
@jimh Filmed in a public place, how on earth do they think they have a case ? Hopefully the company will receive the "publicity" it deserves.
@jimh Local UK police have Operation Snap sites where you can upload footage of dangerous drivers.
@jimh you mean Cornices Centre
whose van it is, might not get the publicity they want by attempting to threaten and harm cyclists in court as well as on the road....
@jimh "copyright infringement" - my arse
Nice to have better legal reasoning in the article, but what a numpty the company director looks now making nonsensical legal threats - sue me using some other made-up legalise guff