Ryan's guide to determining whether your password is secure:
1) Did you pick it yourself? If yes, it is not secure.
2) Is it unique? If no, it is not secure.
3) Is it part of a "password system"? If yes, it is not secure.
4) Is created using a deterministic password generator? If yes, it's part of a "password system" and therefore not secure.
5) Did your password manager randomly generate it for you? If yes, it's probably fine.
6) Did you generate it with dice? If yes, it's probably fine.
7) Did you create your password in some other way? It's probably fucked.
Part 2 of my 3-part password making system.
(Part 1 *is* deterministic, but it's useful to me so it stays. Part three isn't deterministic, but I'm also not revealing it.)
@jgamble I have a bunch of those dice!
I only wish The Dice Lab had made a version that were black with CRT-green hex digits.