I’m planning to buy a 3D printer.
Any recommendations from the 3D printing community and experts on which one to go for as a beginner.
@itskanishkp the #prusa you can afford and overture filament
@OnceUponAGoblin @itskanishkp Same here. If you can go with the Prusa Core One, go for it, if you can with the Prusa Mini, the Mini.
@txo_elurmaluta @OnceUponAGoblin @itskanishkp Depending on where you’re based, I’m going to sell a Prusa MK4S in an official enclosure that’s entirely ABS or PCCF, so it handles high temperatures like a dream. (I’m in Copenhagen, Denmark)
@teotwaki @txo_elurmaluta @itskanishkp not trying to damage the business, but what a beginner needs is a new prusa kit to learn the inside out of his new machine
@OnceUponAGoblin @teotwaki @txo_elurmaluta Sorry prusa is way out of my budget (~$280 ) . Any other recommendation apart from it would be really helpful.
@itskanishkp @teotwaki @txo_elurmaluta im sure there’s a 3d printer for that budget, but keep in mind you’ll be buying both a printer and a lot of headaches. I don't mean to discourage, but it's something I learned the hard way. When it's not a good and reliable brand, we end up working for the printer instead of the printer working for us.