i learned desktop publishing on Aldus PageMaker, migrated with it to Adobe then, to InDesign for which to this day, absurdly given how little i use it, i pay monthly.
we did a flyer together, and now the kid wants to learn how to layout and design pages. i’d rather not get his habits tangled with Adobe software. what should we use?
@interfluidity I loved PageMaker - unstable as hell but the sense of control was addictive
@interfluidity How about Scribus?
@stevendbrewer (i’ll take a look.)
@stevendbrewer (and thanks!)
@interfluidity My pleasure. I've laid out four books with it and taught hundreds of students to make scientific posters with it. I think it's modeled on Quark, rather than Pagemaker, so it may seem "wrong" to you. But it produces extremely high-quality Postscript that will actually work on high-end printers.
@stevendbrewer “wrong” relative to my habits will be well outweighed if it’s capable and genuinely free software. i will just have to make an effort.
Someone posted this link here just a few days ago:
@interfluidity I pinged my buddy Oly, he and I wrote the definitive book on PageMaker, back in the day. He remains the high god of InDesign. See what he says... (Actully been meaing to invite him to office hours.)
@SteveRoth ha! we have so many overlapping obsessions.
@interfluidity Affinity Publisher is the correct answer here. All their apps are top-tier purchase-once replacements for Adobe.