Using #vim is easy once you learn a few basic keybindings.
h and l - move left and right
j and k - move down and up
η and λ - move backwards and forwards through time
ξ and κ - translation through additional temporal dimension (if applicable)
ᚻ, ᛄ, ᚳ and ᛚ - moving left, down, up, and right through celestial spheres
𐤄 and 𐤋 - switch deity to pantheon member to left or right
𐤉 - supplicate to chosen deity
𐤊 - challenge chosen deity (dangerous)
:q - exit
@ids1024 isn't time travel just undo/redo?
If you translate in just the right way across celestial spheres and both time axes, you can shift to a version of your program written by an ancient elven developer. Who's better than you.
@ids1024 // speak "you are not expected to understand this" and hit enter