Now it's even easier to use the M5Stack ATOM Echo as a voice assistant: new Echos being sold will have our voice assistant firmware pre-installed!
@homeassistant Is it possible to use wake words, preferably custom wake words with these or is a button press required?
@hamido @homeassistant Looks like it. You need to use the openWakeWords addon in HA and it should all just happen.
If you're not running a version of HA that can use the addons then good luck. I've not managed to figure it out with Docker yet.
@pieceofthepie @homeassistant It is possible, I replied to myself with a blog from @homeassistant that explains how it works. I can't get hold of an Atom Echo at the moment though so I'm gonna look around the house to see if I have something else I can use.
@hamido @homeassistant Looks like the addon code can be run as a raw docker image easily enough.
Which should go a long way to getting this working for me.
@pieceofthepie @homeassistant yeah, one of their articles suggests it might be a good idea to do this because satellite devices are constantly streaming audio to itx so it could be beneficial to move this off-of your HA box for performance/resource reasons.
I've installed the add-on in HAOS because I'm running on a powerful enough server I just don't have any devices with microphones to test with
@hamido @homeassistant yes, with the latest release.
I have one. You can use wake words. I use one of the stock words "ok, nabu." I'm pretty sure you can use your own wake words, but I don't think it is a simple process, and I've not done it.
This device is good for checking out capabilities. However, its tiny and tinny speaker does not make it a viable solution on par with the Google devices. I can barely hear the feedback I get from HA, whereas my Google devices are clear as day.
I *think* it would be possible to hook up an external speaker, but I've not seen anyone with a working solution.
Personally, I'm holding off buying more until something with a better speaker comes out.
@yourautisticlife @homeassistant Good point. I had suspected that because I have an M5 Stack Atom SPK in my office for the doorbell, but it's really poor quality and quiet.
I've got a back order for a speaker/mic hat in Amazon for Pi zero but it's been pending for months now.
I built a speaker for my living room with a Pi and a hat and 3D printed case, so I might add a mic to that so I can make it an assistant.
You're reminding me that I have a few RPIs around that are gathering dust and that I might want to put to good use.
@yourautisticlife @homeassistant Yeah, should be able to run those if you have some mic/speaker to connect.
I don't have any microphones lying around so I've not been able to test it yet, but I will probably order a conference speaker or something, they have decent mics and good volume usually.
No button press is required. I have one from before they pre-installed ESPHome. Wake word recognition is fast. I am struggling with Dutch recognition, but that's different hardware
@homeassistant But will they be available anywhere?
@mattsches @homeassistant I just went to look for myself and they're unobtanium right now
I bought mine from the store below. They are currently out of stock, but that was the case too when I first checked there. Then they came back in stock and I bought mine.
I did not pre-order it. I just waited. I know that sometimes promises about something being in stock by some date are wishful thinking.
I cannot guarantee future results, but that's how I got mine.
(Note that mine did not come with the firmware preinstalled. No clue how to get those that have the firmware installed. Installing the firmware was fairly easy, however.)
@homeassistant I'm in the process of making a test DIY version.
I've set up HA. I'm following this:
@homeassistant sold where?
@homeassistant Heck, and I just ordered mine, guess I'll have to do it the old-fashioned way! (I'm not complaining)