You can't filter or sort by color. Add a column with data validated values and use conditional formatting for the visual. #spreadsheets
Edit: apparently you can! However I don't think that's a good idea
Apparently you can sort by cell color and cell text in some spreadsheet tools now. I still find that incredibly unadvisable.
@grumpasaurus Are you sure that you can't? At least #LibreOffice #Calc and #Excel can.
@Flominator ah I stand corrected!
@Flominator @grumpasaurus There is very little that #Excel cannot do
@grumpasaurus Fun with the color blind.
@Kencf618033 yeah that too! I need to be more aware of that for sure and so many people choose not to say they're colorblind either.
@grumpasaurus I was being facetious, and I know naught of spreedsheets, but this seems to be needless complexity. it defeats the design philosophy ~0f~ spreadshooets!
@Kencf618033 don't sweat it. On literal two occasions I've had people at the workplace privately let me know that they're color blind and that they can't tell certain color contrasts and many times they think it's not a big deal to ever bring it up. While that may seem too anecdotal it does make me wonder just how under reported it really is
@grumpasaurus This feature has been highly useful to me over the years indeed - 1) I usually format different types of formulas using colors consistently - when a correction is required, I can filter by color and fix all those in one go. 2) Another use case if when doing variance analysis and you need to bucket various categories - again, very useful stuff (at least to someone like myself - enjoying visuals ).