Framework products are now available to order in three more countries: Italy, Spain, and Belgium! That includes Framework Laptop 13, Framework Laptop 16 pre-orders, and the range of modules and parts in the Framework Marketplace!
This brings the total number of countries we’re in up to 12 (US, Canada, Germany, France, UK, Netherlands, Ireland, Austria, Australia, Italy, Spain, Belgium) and we’re still on track to open ordering in Taiwan later this summer.
@frameworkcomputer Nordics next please!
@frameworkcomputer What a wonderful update!
@frameworkcomputer may your success continue. We all look forward to seeing your business open to Nordic customers.
Switzerland is waiting too...
@frameworkcomputer @ozone89 heh heh heh
@root @frameworkcomputer not really in the market for a laptop (trying to move to desktop actually), but thanks for the heads up, my local penguins lair will enjoy the news :)
@frameworkcomputer evvivaaaaaaa
@frameworkcomputer I'll probably be buying the 13 inch amd option later this year, now that it is available here in Spain (:
@frameworkcomputer Portugal
@frameworkcomputer Sweden, when?
@voxpelli @frameworkcomputer I feel the most time consuming part is setting up a continuous supply chain for replacement parts etc. Other manufacturers just ship finished products and do not bother with repairs. Also taxes.
@jwa @frameworkcomputer But it’s within EU, it shouldn’t be that different to another country there, ship from one place in EU to all places in EU?
@voxpelli @frameworkcomputer I'm no expert but... taxes. My bet is always on taxes.
@frameworkcomputer Sweet, now I can buy the extra expansion cards I should have bought when I ordered my Framework in Ireland earlier in the year
@frameworkcomputer LET'S GO FINALLY
@frameworkcomputer So close! Portugal next? Don't forget us.
@frameworkcomputer Finally in Spain!!. Yahoo!!!!. I think is time to retire my old Macbook Pro Early 2011 (upgraded to the maximum)