What it may have looked like some long forgotten autumn evening 800 years ago.
(Note: I carefully placed glow sticks in the windows so as to not disturb the ruin. No fire was used for the effect.)
@elaterite This is so beautifully done, I love the mysticism of tha past you've captured.
@ambivalena Thank you, Lena! Ya, when I visit the canyons I always imagine the people there going about there daily routines. It can also get enigmatic and mystical when a raven shows up, sits on the edge of a ruin, and croaks. The mournful call carries on the wind, echoing up and down the canyon as if to ask, "Where did they all go? Where did the ancient ones go?"
@elaterite I love ravens, their call always remind me of acient times and speaks to my heart. They are really a special bird.
And I can totally understand your fascination for old times.
@ambivalena Yes, ravens are amazing birds. I love seeing them!
@elaterite I am so happy because the last 5-6 years we got a lot more ravens in the area I live so I hear them and see them (in the distance) very often nowdays.
@ambivalena Lucky you! I rarely see them around my home. :( We mostly have crows around here. They are cool, but I like ravens better. I like how they are loners. I see them often when I leave the city and go up to the mountains and especially out to the desert.
@elaterite Crows are also cool birds. I must say that I often see ravens come in pair around here, not shore how common that is though.