Elastic's blogpost summarized (sorry):
We open source again! AWS scary! But we friends now! All part of plan, see! (until something similar happens again). Want to influence OSI. Change made because not doing well? No, don't think that, think future!
Good to see them come back to open source I guess, but there will rightfully be lost trust from users. I hope we don't see them try to pull AGPL related FUD.
@danb I feel like there is no winning with that argument: when cockroach changed to a more restrictive license, everyone blamed it on a lack of success. so going more open is the same?
and we would not wish anyone a legal dispute with someone as large as amazon; https://www.elastic.co/blog/elastic-and-amazon-reach-agreement-on-trademark-infringement-lawsuit had to be done but it was not fun
@xeraa I'm assuming that's in reference to the success part? I wasn't making an argument, just summarizing how the post read to me (the post pre-empts that but never makes any argument against it, and instead has a bunch of corpo future talk).
If you are switching because of lacking success, I guess that's still good but it does reflect a whim to change based on business/growth goals rather than full ideal/alignment to open source itself, which again can impact trust.
@danb it's a longer-term plan (also because you cannot take something back once it's out under a specific license)
but we are of course still a company that also needs to fund the development :)