@Seirdy as long as your browsers supports w3 standards, sure. It’s not my job to make sure my website works on a browser from 2008 that’s missing half of w3 standards running on an OS from 2001.
@caughtquick Progressive enhancement is a wonderful thing. I try to make sites usable in browsers of that era (with a TLS terminator) despite using several HTML 5 and bleeding-edge CSS features. Every feature possible should be progressive.
Here’s the compatibility statement for seirdy.one
I’m not asking anything too radical: when you want to use a feature, just try to make support optional. If there are two ways to do something, have a bias towards the older way. Without trying, you’ll get good support for these browsers and for extensions that modify pages.
As a baseline, I recommend starting with the subset of the HTML Living Standard that appears in the abandoned HTML 5.1 standard. CSS should be optional. This tends to progressively degrade fairly well.
POSSE note from https://seirdy.one/notes/2022/11/06/supporting-alternative-browser-engines/
> “[We don’t use] CSS Grid, Flexbox, SVG 2, Web fonts, and JavaScript”
Like it our not limiting yourself to not using these frameworks limits what you can do with a website by a lot. Support for older device is great, but not so at the cost of the usability on a modern device with support for modern features. Improving the experience of the website for 99% reigns supreme over making sure the website is usable for everyone in a worsened, less powerful state.
@Seirdy This discussion wasn't just about articles, yes, articles should be readable and easily accessible, but the web is far more than just articles. Videos, games, and social media among other things all make a sizeable percent of what is posted on the internet, and those cannot be made nearly as accessible to everyone no matter the browser choice, version, and setting without making compromises that would effect the rest of the the users of the website (the 99%).
@Seirdy @caughtquick Sometimes I feel like the worst part about modern web is the absence of a clear distinction between a "web page" and an application served via JS+DOM