Useful piece. Solar panels are largely cloud managed, and now in The Netherlands alone create the same power as 50 of our nuclear power plants. If you switch this 25GW on/off remotely, the consequences could be huge. And we do not regulate these cloud platforms at all:
@bert_hubert why, on earth, would you manage solar via the could? Why would you not just store it locally?
@Roguedogx almost any sentence featuring the word “just” needs more thinking.
@bert_hubert fair, but what is the advantage to having this system cloud based?
A local system, especially if it's completely disconnected from the Internet, is much harder to compromise.
If the upside is non-existent to minimal and the downside is significant, why do it? That seems to be the case here.
@Roguedogx @bert_hubert you can't just connect (big enough) generator to grid and left it without any (fast enough) control. and until there is no standart for local management you have choice between different shades of cloud
@Roguedogx @bert_hubert A large percentage of users in the US do not have a local network that will support local storage and mobile device access without complex configuration. Putting everything through a cloud service makes this all easy but at the cost of security and privacy.