Ridiculously proud to announce that the next single "Amen Brother' will be released this Friday on Jalapeno records.
Some of you might even recognise it
Now that I am finally a proud owner of a digital copy of @Skeewiff's Amen Brother cover, I spent an hour this afternoon trying to answer the question we've all been asking ourselves: "Will it Jungle?"
(Please don't sue me)
@axwax SUPERB! (Sharp Shooter ) & Thank You for this great honour… I’m SO glad it Jungles… (can you imagine?)
And I can hereby declare that you were also the bona fide FIRST artist to sample the drum break from Skeewiff’s Amen Brother… (you beat me to it) so just in case a genre or two sprout from this one.. we should call it axle? Or Waxle?
Haha.. Erm, you've been Waxled?