How do I re-download a previous version of Safari Technology Preview? 192 is broken, frequent "This webpage was reloaded because a problem occurred" and losing the login (private browsing). #webkit #safari #SafariTechnologyPreview
Technology Preview isn't integrated with Keychain, so that means manually re-entering credentials every few minutes. Still reloads frequently in non-private, but at least it retains the login.
@anecdata It is integrated with keychain. So that's not the source of your issue. Are there installed web extensions? If a specific website is breaking you could report it on
@karlcow The reload (and loss of login) issue does seem distinct. No customizations, but the main thing I use STP for is some LAN pages, no reproducibility I could report.
You're right about keychain though, I missed a setting when re-installing it after a much-belated Sonoma upgrade.