Anyone happen to know a totally non-technical tutorial for creating a #QuartoPub website? Like for someone who should be using Wordpress but wants to use #quarto . Deployed to Netlify. No Github. Finding lots of nice tutorials, but all are still a bit more technical than what I want. Tagging a few folks who might know: @jadeynryan @nrennie @andrew
Is there a particular reason why you're specifying Netlify?
After thinking about this for a moment, maybe pandoc is really what you want since that's what Quarto is using to create the HTML. But I'm not sure what your motivations are.
@andreashandel @jadeynryan @nrennie @andrew I don’t know of one, but it should be as simple as rendering in RStudio then dragging/dropping the _site folder to Netlify.
I could write up a short non-technical tutorial later this week.
@andreashandel @jadeynryan @nrennie @andrew I cover this in the updated version of my Going Deeper with R course.
Creating website:
Deploying to Netlify:
@dgkeyes @jadeynryan @nrennie @andrew Thanks! Somewhat close, but still assumes the user knows already a bit about Quarto, RStudio & Co. I need it even simpler. Like one of the many "Wordpress for total beginners" tutorials, only "Tutorial to make a Quarto based website for folks that can use a computer and follow instructions, but that's about it" :)