Buried deep in an old repo I discovered a CP/M subsystem of Medley Interlisp which even runs WordStar and Turbo Pascal.
So, concerning that "CP/M subsystem" I posted about on April's fool day.
It's not a native Lisp component of Medley Interlisp from back in the day but a modern CP/M emulator written in C, see the link. It runs in a Linux shell on the host system accessed from Medley's own VT100 terminal emulator "Chat", which is what you see in the screenshots.
@amoroso So this is a Z80 emulator written in Lisp? Nice find!
@me_ It might not be written in Lisp
@me_ You C, it might be something more mundane...
Loving that #Monochrome interface!
@RL_Dane Me too, it's a delight to view and use.
I've never seen a mono interface at 1080p before!
@RL_Dane Old meets new.