At rest, the average body consumes 20% to 25% of the body's energy. That equates to 350 to 450 calories for the average person. The energy comes mainly from glucose.
#Autistic brains create 42% more information at rest.
This could equate to 497 to 639 calories just to power our resting brain, let alone when we're hyperfocused or overstimulated.
Gee, why do we all crave simple, quickly digested, glucose rich foods? Mystery.
I have taken so much shit for the amount of carbs, milkfat, and salt that my body needs. But but the magazines in the grocery aisle say you need to stop that!
It's sugar sugar that fucks me up, even fructose I have to be careful with.
@anomalon @actuallyautistic Me too. Earlier this year I solved a problem where I'd crash hard every day after I ate my "healthy" breakfast and "healthy" lunch with complex carbs, as per standard advice.
I learned most of us don't have enzymes to break down complex carbs, and have other metabolic difficulties, so I swapped everything for simple carbs. White bread, white potato, white noodles & pasta etc.
Suddenly, no more crashes and more stable energy than I'd had in years. We're different.