Hi to all federating! Especially @NVAccess Just posted an issue with latest libre office and Say all in large documents. It intermittently skips lines. Can you reproduce? Every large document works.
@NVAccess I mean, it applies to all documents.
@asael It's good to see LibreOffice getting attention! @WestphalDenn & @bdorer reported another issue earlier which I wrote up as: https://github.com/nvaccess/nvda/issues/17761 - Hopefully the end result will be LibreOffice support continuing to improve!
And for anyone who missed it, Zvonimir's issue is written up at: https://github.com/nvaccess/nvda/issues/17758
@NVAccess @WestphalDenn @bdorer It needs to improve, because it is a good alternative to robust cluttered Ms office. Personally, i want to switch, because they started to give features which are beyond my pocket.
@NVAccess @WestphalDenn @bdorer Also, we need to prove that the Libreoffice can be on-paar with all the corporate standards.
@asael @WestphalDenn @bdorer We have had some good support from LibreOffice in the last couple of years, and I would love to see accessibility in LibreOffice on par with other options as well, so do keep reporting any issues you come across as they do get looked at, Thank you!