#organizing mastodon, can anyone point me the way to good resources for setting up a code of conduct for a new group? Or would anyone be willing to help me out?
I sort of got a bunch of people together on a wave of post election verve and want to keep it moving but also keep it safe. But this is very new to me.
If you’re in #SanFrancisco I will happily buy you a coffee for your thoughts.
@Jackiemauro a trauma-informed group?? I could point you in that direction if that’s something you’re looking for.
@DrSuzanne no, a group of people interested in getting involved in local politics and national to a lesser extent, and just providing support and community to each other in that. Thank you though, appreciate it.
@Jackiemauro id recommend a consensus building guide like this one
And having the group create their own organizing guidelines thru that process instead of adopting external premade rules. It builds the skills needed for long term activism.
@BlinkPopShift thank you this is awesome
@Jackiemauro Last time I researched this it was for an online software project which may or may not be similar. I found a little bit on what the code should say and a whole lot about enforcement. In case it helps, here's what I found: https://github.com/metamath/set.mm/issues/3170#issuecomment-1725712622