Alrighty, I think I got my #preonic set up as a glorified left handed macro pad for pc gaming.
Switches used:
Purple- TKC Blackberry Clickies
Green- TKC Kiwi tactiles
Light green w/ pink- TKC Magical Girl tactiles
White- Waque Silent linears
That's honestly pretty cool!
I wanna try this with half of an actual split keyboard. XD
@amin Im hoping it works out. I based it on the keys that are used most heavily in Minetest amd Subnautica
A minetest fan, very nice!
@amin it’s a fun and chillaxing game. I really like the mod scene it has going on.
I never checked out the mods. I just played the default game. Mostly collecting and baking enough clay to build brick houses. Because that takes ages.
But then, I'm not much of a gamer. I tried Minecraft once and turned off hostile mobs. ;)
@amin I normally play creative mode with a poop ton of mods downloaded.
I have also got into MineClone as well. I do like Minecraft, I just don’t like giving money to Microsoft
Yeah half the fun to me is gathering all the resources. :)
It's similar to how I play KSP.
@amin heck yeah! Btw, what is KSP? I am not familiar.