I wasn’t going to buy a #Nintendo64. But I did. It’s glorious. Playing this stuff how it’s supposed to on a CRT TV. Awesome. Got Wave Race 64, Pilot Wings 64, NBA Hangtime and a F1 race game.
The nostalgia with WR64 is huge. As a kid I would always hang around the game store to play on their demo unit.
Hmm so far Wave Race 64 works great and Pilot Wing 64 as well. NBA Hangtime has sound issues and the F1 Grand Prix game wouldn’t even boot. Blowing the cartridge helped but it also has sound issues. Mainly left channel not coming through. Will have to investigate if it’s a cable, game or console issue.
@Htbaa the N64 is rad. I don't have many games for it but I have 2 of the regular consoles now, one I found at thrift years ago with a label-less Conker's in it. So I have that, Pokémon Stadium, Rampage, that's most of em. I really want Gauntlet Legends for it, Buck Bumble, and Iggy's Reckin Balls, I sold my copy years back and now miss it. Game's a blast.
@jake4480 Conker is a rare (ha!) game. I have it for Xbox. I’ll probably get a flash card. The SummerCart64 looks good. And affordable.
@Htbaa totally. I like emulating too when I can. Really helpful for the older expensive and hard to find stuff. Lots of projects on my list but one is to GDEMU my Dreamcast. I found one a couple years back and I now have all the cords and cables but no games it came with a Sonic one and a sports one I think and I sold both. All the games I want for it (shootemups mostly) are expensive as hell. Emulating it is!
@jake4480 GDEmu is great! I installed one in my Dreamcast but started having issues with it. Don’t think it’s the GDEmu because my GD-ROM Drive doesn’t seem to work anymore either :-(. Really bummed about it. Had even bought a nice new controller by Retro Fighters for it.
@Htbaa weird. I'm expecting issues. I'm also in the process of switching one Wii disc drive into another Wii. With disc rot and everything else, some of this stuff is probably gonna have issues in the future or even now- lucky for emulation and backing up everything. I think all our discs are in trouble when they don't even last 20-30 years
@Htbaa I still remember the Christmas season in the early 90s where I managed to rent a N64 and play SMB64 like a fiend. Why aren't video games thrilling like that any more?
@mike805 oh that must’ve been so sweet. I only rented the N64 once and had a PSOne myself. It was the one or the other you could own.
While I enjoy modern gaming quite a bit there’s something that makes these older games more exciting. Especially when they were released. With modern games I’m rarely hyped for them. Getting older is probably a big part of it. But a lot of new games are uninspiring money grabs. Not to say there wasn’t shovelware back in the day!
@mike805 another big part of it I think is there were fewer games available back in the day. Gaming has become so big, which I’m happy about don’t get me wrong, that there are so many new releases every week on a multitude of platforms.
But there used to be pretty big differences in platforms. These days not so much.
@Htbaa thats always it, right. Cable, game or console.
@jake4480 no other options really. That’s actually like all of them .
@Htbaa the ol retro game repair roulette I have no NES or Genesis (anymore) and very few cartridges for either (strangely, I have 2 actual consoles each for SNES and N64) but I have one of those wacky RetroTrio things that plays NES, Genesis and SNES cartridges that I use for testing when I run across them
@jake4480 with all these FPGA cores emulating hardware it would be cool if some party other than Analogue would make hardware that let’s you connect your cartridges and peripherals.