Trying my hand at a video for one of the songs on my album. Not sure about the ending, but I'm trying to figure this whole process out from scratch. #gearsquad #MusicVideo #MusicProduction #indie
If you want notes, I’d say the mirroring could act analogously to a musical bridge, an alternate texture to set up the finish, and should be more towards the middle than the end. But the music and the video were good.
I did something similar a few years back for traditional folk/gospel song Sinner Man.
Edit: I don’t get anything for any ads. Your camera work is so much smoother than mine.
@pomCountyIrregs @muz4now
Thanks for the feedback. Good idea about doing that split in the middle actually. Will keep that in mind for next time. I’m hoping to do a couple more videos for songs on the album, and Final Cut has a huge learning curve.
@GuitarSith Cool. What software are you using? I just spent a bit of time this weekend trying to learn how to use DaVinci Resolve. Seems quite powerful... if you know what you're doing. Has a lot of sound and video effects and stuff that could really help create pro-quality stuff. Not to say your vid is not pro-quality. The thing I'm realising with video making is that knowing what you want to do/show is maybe more important than any bells and whistles you can throw in.
I’m using Final Cut Pro 10.8.1 which actually matches my current Logic Pro version. I purchased it years ago around version 10.1 but never really used it. Now I wish that I had, the learning curve is incredibly steep. I can’t update to 11 for either Logic or Final Cut because the Apple Silicon AI “improvements” cause too many issues on my Intel based Mac Pro. I want to do a couple more video for songs on the album. Have ideas, just need the time and patience.
@GuitarSith SW/HW compatibility is such a pain. I've never really done any video stuff so I'm really starting now. There's propably a steep learning curve which ever way you go. Looking forward to seeing what you do with the other songs.
Apple really messed up this transition imo. I was hoping they’d do an M3 version of the Studio desktop but they skipped it and went to the M4. But no Studio version, which they may release by September this year. However they’re now talking about the M5, so who knows, they might skip it again.
I started on an early version of EMagic Logic, so I’ve grown with it. I think I’d be just as lost if I were trying to learn it now. But, we have to start somewhere.