As we reach the finish line for the 3.0 release, I thought I'd post an older (pre-Color Space Invasion) test of a full CMYK mode in @GIMP. It's near the top of my TODO list to work on once the dust settles from the final 3.0 release, especially with all the color space improvements for anyRGB!
@CmykStudent @GIMP Would you get color curves in RGB or CMYK channels with that?
@prokoudine @GIMP Hmm - something to ask for expert opinion when we really start back on this. In 3.0, the color selector now switches to the palette if you open an indexed image, so perhaps defaulting to CMYK for color curves would make sense as well.
@CmykStudent @GIMP Color model specific curves is the expected behavior in the brick software, for both RGB, CMYK, and LAB image modes