I've realised that people might not really have any clue about how #coops are different from regular businesses. So I'm going to write something.
There are no stupid answers. You might want to ask about things related to everything from politics to money to the history of the co-operative movement. It could be that you just want to know how co-ops make decisions when everyone owns the business? Up to you.
@dajb What does the initial set up of a coop look like? Person I know tried to start one with their colleagues and were under the impression that they all had to form their own LLCs then combine as shareholders into a coop. Is that true? I’m sure it’s different depending on locality, the specific profession, and many other factors, but an idea or example of how one starts a coop would be great to hear.
@Ateriath Good question, and depends on territory - will ponder
@Ateriath @dajb Like @dajb said, it depends on the region. Illinois and some states have Worker Cooperative laws in place. While these are great for many reasons, you can set up a coop as an LLC (no need for each owner to create their own). The Sustainable Economies Law Center has a lot of helpful information (https://www.theselc.org/)