Nice shot of Comet C/2022 E3 (ZTF) along with planet Mars, taken by Michael Jäger yesterday from Austria.
Comet C/2022 E3 (ZTF) is still sporting its two tails (dust and ion) as it races away from the Sun to back home in the Oort cloud.
#comet #C2022E3 #Astronomy
Below is a map of the solar system showing the current location and path of Comet C/2022 E3 (ZTF).
Current distance from Earth = 0.419 AU (62.68 million km)
Distance from Earth at closet approach on Feb 1 = 0.2839 AU (42.47 million km).
Today, the comet will be visible within 2 degrees of Mars. Magnitude = 6.
#comet #C2022E3 #Astronomy
Where to see comet C/2022 E3 (ZTF) in the night sky from central U.S. tonight. The comet will be visible near the Pleiades cluster. Mars will be visible within 2 degrees of the comet. See map below.
Magnitude > 6, hence binoculars or a telescope will be needed.
#comet #C2022E3 #Astronomy
@AkaSci Sorry, no, the magnitude has dropped swiftly to 7 mag. - for most people it's not even a binocular object anymore ... ;-(
@AkaSci couldnt find comet tonight. Maybe to much light where i live. Will have to go find DARK