"Over 50 years ago, NASA was able to get its Saturn V, a rocket nearly as large as Starship, to fly without ever having a failed launch over its 13-launch, six-year operational lifespan. This was a rocket designed with computers less powerful than a Casio watch, built with far less accurate techniques and materials, with check systems and procedures infinitely less sophisticated than anything today. Yet, engineers were able to ensure it never had a launch failure [...]"
there are so, so, _so_ many problems with this article and it's assertions. the faux-pas comparison between SV/SS/SLS, a total misattribution of the causes of the leak, bogus claims, thoughtless ramblings.. they all evince a total lack of understanding and research into rocketry.
please, please understand: hating musk is not a catchall card to discredit the very real advancements being made at his companies.