@smallcircles Someone in Belgium, Dirk Holemans, argues that instead of using 'ontgroei' (degrowth), we should use the term 'omgroei', which is similar, but not quite the same as regrowth. Re-growth is a repeating, restoring thing; om-groei is a changed growth.
Yes.. I was just musing a bit on the terms. There's wordplay in #Regrowth in that it also means starting anew i.e. create a wholly alternative system to that of world-destroying #Hypercapitalism
The #capitalism seed sprouted a horrendous meat-eating fungus. Need to replant a new organic system to take over and collectively kindle a seedling to regrow #humanity into healthy #sustainability-first direction. So there's a #future for mankind, and not #extinction.
@smallcircles @mysteriarch sounds like the #thrivability alternative to #sustainability. we need to avoid focusing on compromise and resignment, which do not help supplant the previous systems.
I work on premise of holistic sustainability, loosely based on #CirclesOfSustainablity model, which I redefined to better align with natural and emergent systems (see alt-text).
#SustainabilityFirst and at all times is crucial, for many reasons. Like span-of-control in keeping the system sustainable in the 1st place. What's fun is that a lot of concepts start to become circular in further philosophical elaboration. More akin to our natural world.
Btw in this diagram it is clear that a #sociosphere is needed, or else we are all stuck in the #technosphere as we are today.
I call the hypothetical sweet spot where socio and technosphere are seamlessly aligned and tuned to the needs of people and planet a #peopleverse ..
The current #fediverse is a typical technosphere. We can emulate some "social" but social bandwidth is tiny. There's a lot of "manual social" (the regular kind) we can do to improve, realizing this.
@smallcircles @mysteriarch I like that #peopleverse concept where technology and human needs are aligned in, at least, the most obvious ways they are currently misaligned. I have always been working toward such, myself.
In the field of #HCI, despite the C for computer, the study officially includes all kinds of #informatics, or informational systems, even those that do not rely exclusively on electronics.
It is but a simple concept and that makes #Peopleverse attractive to me. Easier to keep direction *despite* the #tech, towards solution space.
An easy to grasp and evaluate #SocioTechnological vision. Just compare with everyday life. Imagine some #social situation and context and picture seeing it from ones own eyes, then compare to what we all too easily think works similarly #online. Where we mess up with our mismatched #SocialSkills and wrong expectations of outcome.
For example you think you are drowsily on morning coffee, sending off a fleety thought to the #fedi. Something witty and random.
Depending on your interwovenness in the #SocialFabric and how that msg reverberates, the equivalent social context may be:
You shouting that thought in a rowdy bar, with some friends and many strangers.
You shouting that thought from a shoebox on Trafalgar Square.
You shouting that in any random context where your msg lands.
@smallcircles @mysteriarch I want to work towards solving this problem, too. My proposition is to build a social network without lists. You don't follow people but rather show up and find them where they are. Managing a list should not be a prerequisite to interacting. Lists are a berrier to entry and a creates a class system of established users vs noobs.
Of course you can have your contacts but such should be a secondary reference, not a first-class necessity.
I'd invite you to "feel" yourself part of social coding movement then (there's no membership) which has a mission to figure out the "social code" align #technosphere to #sociosphere and build social layers of our open social stack
Core focus is Social experience design, #SX a completely new and open field and niche to explore.
We have a forum: https://discuss.coding.social
And #matrix chatrooms going: