People who design APIs. I am begging you. It doesn't matter how "simple" or "intuitive" or "elegant" your API is. You need to include sample code.
Another thing I am begging of people who make APIs: When you include sample code in the docs, include the "using"/"use"/"import"/"#include" statements. Please. Please. I just pasted this inline sample code into my hello world program, and it's failing because the symbol "UntexturedStyle" could not be found. "Are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?", asks dotnet. Yeah, probably?? because you didn't tell me what using directives I needed?!?
@mcc so much this. Sample code should run and do something that makes sense.
@KevinMarks @mcc I have given up on so many source repos where the build command failed to compile or run the example, and it just isn't quite worth it to try to troubleshoot a problem *before* I try it out.
@travisfw @KevinMarks @mcc If it's not part of the solution, it's part of the precipitate.
@travisfw @KevinMarks @mcc the other day, I found a repo with a CI action to build the examples on all changes and at 3am every day. If the 3am build fail, the CI open a ticket.