With #LPSC2025 about to start, it's time to share what I've been working on during the last months.
This is a new high resolution 3D model of the Mont Mercou outcrop, that I made during my recent internship at LPG Nantes.
The model was computed from 6825 Mastcam and Navcam images taken by the Curiosity rover in 2021.
You can check it out yourself on Sketchfab:
There is also a 3D-printable version you can download:
Working with so many rover images requires precise knowledge of each camera position, lens characteristics and consistent color processing across the whole dataset.
For that I've developed MarsImage, a rover image processing library written in #python.
MarsImage can also help you download PDS data and convert it to different image formats like TIFF and DNG to allow for further processing in Lightroom or Photoshop to allow for further processing.
This is what I've been using for preprocessing my recent panorama images.
I'll be posting more about the library in the future.
Finally, I'm currently developing a huge 3D environment of Gale Crater using data from Tianwen-1, CTX and HiRISE to place my photogrammetry models in their global context.
The environment can be viewed in VR which gives a really good sense of scale and immersion.
If you're attending the conference, you can find my iPoster for some more interactive goodness and I'd be happy to see you during the virtual poster session on Wednesday!
Otherwise you can already read more about this project in my #LPSC2025 abstract: https://www.hou.usra.edu/meetings/lpsc2025/pdf/2074.pdf
@stim3on Cool! Thanks for sharing!
@stim3on fantastic work and thanks for sharing your knowledge! - the VR option intrigues me!
@65dBnoise I finally did that full rewrite I was talking about for so long!
Currently it only supports MSL images, but M20 is on the roadmap.
Feel free to give it a try - I'm always looking for feedback!
Great work, judging from the result! So glad to see your work come to fruition.
I will definitely give it a try!