I'm trying, world, I really am. I love my little Lenovo Linux laptop. I'd spend 99% of my time on it.
If I could talk to iMessages.
The messaging platform my entire family uses.
But other than a sort of remote desktop model or setting up my mac to be available via a proxy, there doesn't seem to be an option.
Wail. Woe. Whine.
@roygreenhilt A year or so ago, folks hacked together an interoperable FOSS iMessage client. Then they tried to go commercial for Android, and Apple killed it. But I'm pretty sure you could get it working again from the source.
@dalias @roygreenhilt are you referring to BlueBubbles?
@magitian @roygreenhilt Maybe..? I forget the name.
Yes. The walls of the garden are pretty high and opaque.
@roygreenhilt the apple walled garden lives up to it's name, as you're now finding out looking from the outside inwards
@roygreenhilt having recently bought a mac, being able to send imessages from...a computer is wierd. Its like a giant iphone lol.