This is an absolute revelation: I posted identical questions on 2 sites:
- one #opensource with a few $1000 funding
- another proprietary with several $BILLION
Guess which one generated the best responses... Resilient community networks rebuilding come join
(x posted from ****ter ; )
@robinlovelace glad to hear that. Looks like the science and tech crowd is finally migrating. I'm a bit worried about the journalist crowd who seem to have made up their mind earlier this year and now keep repeating the "too complicated" and "nothing going on there" mantra
@underdarkGIS Yeah. Change takes time. There was a spike then slight decline in daily users but in terms of *quality* of content and general vibe #fosstodon and other places in the open fediverse including #fediscience are doing great.
@robinlovelace @underdarkGIS In case it is of interest, @kissane put together a great blog post with reflections from Bluesky users who had tried Mastodon but bounced off