Out of 666 episodes from popular #Python #podcasts with invited guests, women appeared in only 117 (17.56%) episodes.
This inspired us to start a new podcast series highlighting women and underrepresented group in the Python #community
Read our findings:
@pypodcats @mariatta I have mentioned in the past that our interview shows do a terrible job showcasing the diversity of our community!
Looking forward checking out this collection!
@pypodcats Hi! I would be interested in updating your stats about the Real Python Podcast, and add some commentary. I have made an effort to try to keep a diverse set of guests. I can share some insights from inviting guests and their responses. Let me know @mariatta also if you would like to come on to discuss it.
@digiglean @mariatta Hi Christopher, we tried writing to info at realpython dot com a few weeks ago and didn't get response. Would you mind emailing us:
meow at pypodcats dot live
@pypodcats I was curious what the trend was by year, and this looked accurate to me.