#emacs ysk: I am a sucker for new themes, or threads about peoples' favourites. But without fail I check them out, shrug, and resume zenburn.
Anyway, in the https://github.com/minad/consult package there's a command "consult-theme", and it lets you live-update preview however many themes you have installed (and C-g will instantly drop you back into zenburn again). Doom has a large collection of themes, as a single package, for your window-shopping pleasure: https://github.com/doomemacs/themes
@markhepburn You can already live-preview themes with M-x customize-themes?
@pkal Huh, I have never seen that, thanks! (It's weirdly broken for me but I haven't debugged). consult-theme is a different interaction mode; as you C-n/p through the list the display updates with each theme, until you quit out. It's quite slick.