Someone has coffee machine troubles, and it reminds me of this “fun” anecdote and/or distressing experience
(I am a tea drinker, so it didn’t affect me as much):
Many employers ago, the office coffee machine broke. As it happens in programmer-filled rooms, total panic ensued.
Then someone said, “I have coffee!” and the crowd lit up.
However, the coffee was instant, powdery, and decaf.
Never before did I come this close to witnessing a murder.
@mahryekuh that’s called a “bait and switch”
@mahryekuh it was justified, that's like throwing grass in a hot cup of water and calling it tea!
@hvdklauw Oh yeah, I totally get it.
The poor intern also got it after that day.
@mahryekuh Desperate times call for desperate measures.
@mahryekuh No, desperate times call for coffee!!! Lots of it, with lots and lots of caffeine!!!
@mahryekuh that's almost as bad as putting some consumer grade teabag into a mug and calling it "tea".
Back soon, just off to make a pot of organic jade sword and jasmine.